Product packaging has a crucial role in product sales. For instance, the Iranian saffron is the high-quality Saffron in the world and it is usually exported in bulk. This results in losing a considerable amount of profit that can be earned through the added value from the packaging. While other countries sell the Iranian saffron with their own packaging and earn a significant profit in this regard. Metal containers are among the packaging containers that are suitable for different types of dried fruits and nuts. Dried fruits and nuts metal containers are manufactured in a variety of dimensions and designs, therefore, they can be used for different types of products such as saffron.
Sadaf Pack company as a pioneer in manufacturing dried fruits and nuts and saffron packaging containers manufactures high-quality containers in various attractive designs. However, what is the proper product for these packagings? Here we will discuss some of the various types of dried fruits and nuts that can be packaged in the metal containers.
Dried fruits & Nuts Metal Containers for Preserving Medicinal Herbal Teas & Plants
Medicinal herbal teas and plants numbered among the products that required high precision in preservation. If these products are stored and packaged in unsuitable containers, they will not have a long shelf-life and they will lose their quality very quickly.
Thus, it should be noted that we need to choose a container from several types of packaging containers for medicinal plants and herbal teas that protect them against humidity, the sun, insects, heat, and other factors that can cause damage to them and at the same time guarantee their quality and health and enhance the shelf-life of medicinal herbal teas and plants as well.
The glass jars and metal containers are recommended for packaging dried fruits and nuts. The metal containers are made of Aluminum. For storing and packaging medicinal plants and herbal teas, these containers are filled with inert gases such as nitrogen, their lids are closed to preserve the essence and odor of the plants in the container, and enhance their shelf-life.

Metal Containers for Coffee & Tea
Coffee and tea have always been the favorite beverages of the Iranian people. Tea has been more traditional and it was popular with them. But it does not matter whether you are a tea-person of a coffee-person since they both require proper maintenance in order to prevent them from losing their taste and odor by the passage of time and to captivate you with their pleasant and relaxing taste.
Metal dried fruits and nuts containers can be a good option for storing these food products. They protect tea and coffee against moisture and the sun since they can keep them dry. Consequently, they can preserve the taste and odor of coffee and tea for a longer period of time.

Caviar Metal Containers
Another valuable product in the food industry of our country is Caviar. Caviar is in fact the role of the family of Acipenseridae and became human food after a certain process. This valuable and expensive product is rich in various vitamins and has its own consumers due to its high price.
Its high price is the reason that this product is not packaged in large volumes. Accordingly, small metal containers are used for packaging caviar inside Iran. Also, for exporting this product to other countries the containers similar to those of dried fruits and nuts metal containers are used that can preserve caviar in larger volumes such as 2 kg.
Therefore, tin metal containers are used for packaging the caviar either for the Iranian market or for exporting it outside the country. These metal containers must meet the requirements and should be sterilized using UV radiation before filling. These metal containers should be filled in a way that all the air inside it must be evacuated monotonously.

All of the abovesaid factors help enhance the quality of caviar. Another important factor aside from using the dried fruits and nuts metal containers for storing caviar is the beautiful design and using proper material and high technology in order to shine among the domestic and foreign rivals in packaging this expensive product with high nutritional value by observing these factors.
Caviar spoils fast and has a limited shelf-life due to the moisture and its special condition. Therefore, it should be stored in a cold place below 0°C. Besides, it should be stored in special and fully sterilized dried fruits and nuts metal containers so that it can protect this valuable food product against moisture, light, and oxygen.
Also, beautiful metal containers should be used for packaging caviar with a better and distinguished appearance and design among other rivals. Using the color gold on the caviar cans can signify the value of this product. Using only black color and rectangular-shaped caviar metal containers can convey the idea that the customer is purchasing a luxury product with luxury packaging.
Using traditional and authentic designs is an indication of the authenticity and value of the product and the fact that it is a luxury product.
In general, dried fruits and nuts metal containers can be used for a variety of purposes, some of which have been mentioned in this article such as medicinal plants and herbal teas, saffron, caviar, and tea and coffee metal containers. However, all the above cases have one thing in common, i.e. besides the high quality of the produced products, the container of these products should preserve the quality and health of the products. It should be noted that in order to have a higher sales rate, the products should be packaged in containers that take into account the customer’s taste as well as being beautiful.
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